Tuesday, November 21, 2023

17.6m children born into hunger in 2023, Save The Children predicts

By Sola Charles

Africa and Asia will account for 95% of all undernourished babies in 2023, even as 17.6 million children will be born into hunger, a 22% increase from a decade ago, predicts a new Save the Children International study. 

The organization urges world leaders to address the core causes of the severe food and nutrition crisis by ending global conflict, addressing climate change and inequality, and building more resilient health, nutrition, and social protection systems.

It calls for increased collaboration, investment across sectors, and leadership from local communities to strengthen response planning and execution while urging world leaders to expand low-cost programs to prevent and treat malnutrition, including community-based treatment for acute malnutrition, breastfeeding support, and investment in community and primary-level healthcare.

Save the Children International also calls for increased collaboration, engagement, and investment across sectors to prevent predictable shocks from becoming crises. Projections indicate that in 2023, an estimated 6.6 million children under the age of five will be undernourished in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Sifa, 33, living in a displacement camp in North Kivu, DRC, is struggling to feed her five children, including her youngest born just three months ago.

“I live in constant fear that I will lose another child. I keep thinking: “Will I ever see my children grow and will ever have enough food for them? I’m scared of waking up every day to find my baby gone,” Sifa said.

After losing three previous children to malaria, cholera, and armed groups, she fears she will lose another, this time to hunger.

“Since giving birth three months ago, I have been struggling to feed my infant. I know I should eat more but what little we have I give to my nine-year-old daughter.

“She already begs for food every day and sleeps hungry, so I try to give her something. I know its dangerous sending her out there, but we have no other option, she needs to eat.”

Afghanistan is bracing for the highest number of children born into hunger in Asia among countries with vast levels of undernutrition.

Marium, 10 months, is among the roughly 440,000 children estimated to be born into hunger in Afghanistan this year. At six months, Marium started getting diarrhoea and then was later diagnosed with pneumonia due to a weakened immune system.

Her mother, Zolaikha, 23, explained that the family cannot afford nutritious food to help keep her children healthy because of their limited income. Marium said: “Since the time we gave her water and homemade food, she started to get diarrhoea.

She became severely weak two months ago. She was extremely weak. “ She was crying all the time and was always in pain or discomfort and had a high fever. I used to cry with her. It was difficult to see my daughter in pain. I hope no one’s child ever gets sick.

 “My other child, Zohra, was also severely malnourished. She had frequent diarrhoea too and later caught pneumonia as well. It is all because of drinking unsafe water and not having enough nutritious food.”

The Regional Director for Advocacy, Campaigns, Communications and Media for Save the Children in West and Central Africa, Vishna Shah-Little, said: “More than 17 million newborns will this year enter a world where hunger will eat away at their childhood. Hunger will destroy their dreams, silence their play, disrupt their education, and threaten their lives.

“The future of these children is already compromised before they even take their first breath. We must protect their childhoods and futures before it’s too late.

“Hunger is not a lost cause. We have the power to significantly reduce the number of malnourished children right now, as we have in the past. However, if we do not tackle the root causes of hunger and malnutrition, we will continue to see the reversal of progress made for children. This is a global hunger crisis, and it requires a global solution,” Vishna Shah-Little noted.

 In the past, significant progress has been achieved toward reducing world hunger. According to the study, 21.5 million infants were born hungry in 2001, which is one-fifth higher than in 2023. However, growth began to slow dramatically in 2019, owing mostly to economic insecurity, conflicts, and a rising climate disaster.

The most recent country data on undernourishment were released prior to the intensification of conflict in the occupied Palestinian territory, where 2.3 million people in Gaza have struggled to eat owing to the continuous bombing.

Using the UN's birth rate in Gaza, Save the Children estimated that more than 66,000 kids will be born in Gaza this year, with more than 15,000 born between October 7 and the end of 2023. Without a ceasefire, babies' lives will hang in the balance from the moment they are born.