Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Breastfeeding: Do it right!

BREASTFEEDING could be one of the  most demanding but exciting experiences of motherhood. But it is not an automatic response  because  several women are confused about when to start or exactly what to do. 
Every new mother is eager to  breastfeed her child, but may not really know how to start. Although breastfeeding is a natural experience, it also one that has to be practiced and learned.
Experts say every new mother almost always has to learn positioning and their baby's cues, and the baby in turn, has to learn how to suck on the nipple properly.
The best advise that it is best to begin feeding when you and your baby are relaxed, calm, and alert.
Your baby does not always announce he or she is hungry by crying. Crying is usually the last sign of hunger. The baby initially gives visual cues like licking or smacking the lips or sucking the hands or fingers to tell you he'/she is hungry. 

How to begin
Begin by getting into a comfortable position using pillows to avoid back and neck pain and helping to position the baby to be level with your breast. You may also use a pillow on your lap to support your baby.
The goal is for the pillow to support your baby's weight, keeping his nose in line with your nipple.
Hold your baby close to you with the whole body facing you. Scoop up your breast and hold it like a “C”. Avoid putting your index finger too close to the areola.

The four P’s
Positioning, practice, patience, and persistence. If a mother meets those four P's, usually she will have a successful breastfeeding experience.

A common problem with breastfeeding is an improper or shallow latch of the baby to the breast. To get a good, deep latch, support your breast and help your baby get the nipple deep in the mouth.
Then tease the baby with your nipple up and down and wait for the baby to open really wide, then lead with his chin and draw the nipple into the  mouth.
The nipple should end up near the soft back palate, behind the hard roof of your baby's mouth.
The rule of the thumb is that you bring the baby to the breast, not bring the breast to the baby.

The Cradle 
If your arm is supported and the baby is in nice alignment ands completely facing you, this is called cradle position.
Other positions you can try are the  football or clutch hold. Your baby is placed on a pillow next to you and this  position is good for newborns because it supports the baby's head.
It's also good for women recovering from a C-section and those with large breasts.

The lying-down
The lying-down position allows babies to attach easily. With your baby on his side facing you, draw him/her close. You can cradle his/her bottom or head with one hand if necessary. This can be a good position to enable you get  a bit of rest. See that the lips are flanged out and that he has a nice wide angle here. 

Every woman's anatomy is different. Some women's nipples are larger, so you have to go by about how much the baby has taken into the mouth.
There may be times when you need to help your baby unlatch ­– such as when you're uncomfortable or your baby's done feeding but is still sucking intermittently. You can help your baby release the nipple by breaking the suction with your finger.
The way to go is to put your finger in the corner of the baby's mouth and  just break the suction and slide the baby off. If your baby's fallen asleep while feeding and you don't think he's had enough yet, you can encourage him to start up again.
Tap the baby under the chin. Just a couple little taps. The lying-down position helps in moving the chin on the nipple and the baby'll feel that in his mouth and usually start up a little bit again.
It's also normal for babies to go through spurts where they want to feed frequently.

Is your baby feeding well?
If you wish to know if the baby's getting enough, the best way to tell is by counting your baby's wet and dirty diapers. About six wet and three dirty diapers in 24 hours means your baby's getting a good amount to eat.
Other signs your baby's eating well include the softening of your breasts after a feeding and the sounds he makes while feeding.
Babies can nurse anywhere from five minutes to 45 minutes. Most babies will fall asleep and self-detach when they're full.

Breast soreness/engorgement
In the first days and weeks, new mothers may experience nipple soreness, which can be eased by applying breast milk or nipple ointment.
If soreness persists, your baby may not be positioned or latching well. A lactation consultant can help.
You might also experience engorgement.
Normal fullness is to be expected, but engorgement is not normal. Engorgement is a very hard breast. It can be very, very lumpy, and milk has a difficult time passing through the breast when it is engorged. The best thing to ward off engorgement is frequent feedings.
For engorgement, use ice in 10-minute intervals on the upper breast after each feeding.
If your baby isn't able to drain your engorged breast, try hand-expressing some milk or use a breast pump to relieve the discomfort.
If you develop a fever or a hot red spot on your breast, call your doctor. These can be signs of an infection.