The World
Health Organization is scaling up its response to outbreak of Lassa fever in
Nigeria, which has spread to 17 states infected up to 450 people between
1 January and 4 February 2018.
No less than 132 cases are laboratory confirmed
Lassa fever with 43 deaths reported, 37 of which were lab confirmed.
A statement from WHO said among those infected are 11
health workers, four of whom have died.
"The acute viral haemorrhagic fever is endemic in Nigeria but for the
current outbreak the hot spots are the southern states of Edo, Ondo and
“The high number of Lassa fever cases is
concerning. We are observing an unusually high number of cases for this time of
year, ” said Dr. Wondimagegnehu Alemu, WHO Representative to Nigeria.
The Agency is advising national authorities on
strengthening infection, prevention and control practices in healthcare
With the increase in the number of cases, WHO initially
donated personal protective equipment to the Nigeria Center for Disease Control
and to the affected states and procured laboratory reagents to support the
prompt diagnosis of Lassa fever.
The WHO is deploying international experts to coordinate
the response, strengthen surveillance, provide treatment guidelines, and engage
with communities to raise awareness on prevention and treatment.
Since the onset of the outbreak, WHO Nigeria deployed
staff from the national and state levels to support the Government of Nigeria’s
national Lassa fever Emergency Operations Centre and state surveillance
The WHO is helping to coordinate health actors and is
joining rapid risk assessment teams travelling to hot spots to investigate the
The agency observed that healthcare workers caring for
Lassa fever patients require extra infection and control measures, including
the use of personal protective equipment to prevent contact with patients’
bodily fluids.